After my first baby, I researched everything. I didn't realize that there was so much to learn, and my entire world transformed. I have a few favorites that I have used and loved, and want to share them with other mamas out there. Read below for my favorite recommendations.

I didn't bathe my baby until she was over a week old, and I didn't use soap on my baby until she was over 6 months old. There are different opinions on this, and you can do your own research to find out why. When I started bathing her, these were my favorite must-haves.
4. Stokke Flex-Bath or the soft Puj Bath
5. Pure Haven Baby Cream (thicker) and Pure Haven Baby Lotion
We debated back and forth for months about going for cloth diapers before our daughter was born. We ended up going with Bambo disposable diapers, because being on the go is much easier with diapers you can toss out. These are some of the best, non-toxic disposable diapers you can buy. They are perfect for sensitive skin. I think I could definitely go cloth in the future knowing they are better for the environment, you just have more laundry! Water wipes are a great choice, or you can make your own! They are fragrance free, and approved by the Eczema Foundation. California Baby Organic Powder is more expensive than most powders, but it is hands-down the best powder and I wouldn't use anything else. I don't trust Honest, and don't care for their baby products.
2. Water Wipes
4. Bamboo Waterproof Changing Pads - These saved my changing pad from being washed 134 times a day with a newborn
1. Organic Cotton Sheets - Pottery Barn or Burt's Bees Baby are my favorites
2. Organic Cotton Mattress Pad by Naturepedic
3. Organic Cotton Mattress by Pottery Barn by Naturepedic
4. GermGuardian Air Filter for filtering out mold, dust, etc. and for white noise
Organic cotton clothing is the best way to go when buying clothing for your baby, because it is free of pesticides and chemicals. However, you will not end up with all organic baby clothes unfortunately. Settle for 100% cotton, which contains less pesticides than clothing made from synthetic materials.
1. Organic Cotton Swaddles (I love Aden and Anais although they are not organic, they are 100% cotton)
2. Burt's Bees Organic Cotton Onesies and Clothing
3. Hanna Andersson Organic Clothing (They even make swimwear)
Believe me when I tell you, glass is so much better. Not only is it safer because you are heating them, but they also last longer, whereas plastic bottles get old and must be replaced often when they get cloudy no matter how much you've washed them. Attitude baby bottle wash is the safest option for bottle washes, and contains absolutely no cancer causing chemicals.
Eating Over 6 months Old
2. Ezpz Mat
Pottery Barn furniture is Greenguard Certified, which means it elicits chemicals, but the amount of chemicals it emits are very low. You can read more about Greenguard Certification here. Furniture that has this certification is made with specific adhesives and painted with low-VOC or no VOC paint.
1. Pottery Barn Crib - no matter the crib, pick one that is made from solid wood or greenguard certified. We bought the Reese crib from PB.
1. Organic Nursing Cream by Motherlove, made without lanolin and petroleum (see all my recommendations here)
2. Organic Cotton Reusable Nursing Pads by Kindred Bravely (Bamboobies are good for disposable pads)
3. Organic Cotton Nursing Bra by Kindred Bravely - I LOVE THESE! They are so comfortable.
4. For pumping, I used Advent glass bottles, which connected to my Spectra pump S2. I transfer the milk to glass jars. But I preferred the Dr. Brown's glass bottles over these for feeding, because the Advent flow was too fast for my baby.
Baby Gear
1. Organic Lillebaby Carrier - they used to make this in an organic version, and for some reason, I can't seem to find it online. But I have the 6 position baby carrier in a rose color, made with organic cotton. It's much more comfortable than the Ergo, or other padded carriers. The only caveat is the padding inside the carrier is not organic.
3. Joolz Non-toxic Stroller (see the full review here)
4. Germ-free Honeywell Cool-Mist Humidifier - We tried the Crane first, and it was impossible to clean. This one is amazing, easy to refill and a dream to clean.
5. UppaBaby Stroller/Carseat (read here to find out more about safe car-seat models and levels of flame-retardant chemicals)
5. Honest Vegan Leather Backpack- I'm not a fan of Honest products, but this backpack is great and stylish and is made without flame retardants.
6. Finn and Emma Wooden Play Gym - This is a simplistic take on an eco-friendly play gym, and good for newborns.
7. Lovevery Organic Cotton Sensory Play Gym - this sensory play gym has amazing tools and toys that are eco-friendly, that attach to a wooden gym. It incorporates colors, textures, etc. It's better for older infants.
8. Guava Lotus Travel Crib (the best travel crib and only one you'll ever need- comes with an organic cotton mat, and is the only pack and play/crib that is greenguard certified)
9. Ubbi Diaper Pail - this stainless steel diaper pail keeps in smells well, the only complaint I have is it molds after about a year or so, and needs to be cleaned often.
4. Adorable Baby Sunscreen (I didn't use this until my baby was 6 months old) We eventually switched to Badger Baby Sunscreen as she got older
5. The BEST baby laundry detergent by Attitude - Don't trust Dreft or anything else. The backup I use is Pure Haven laundry detergent or simply Dr. Bronner's Castile soap